Wednesday 12 November 2008

Skin Leona tanned now available

After introducing the Leona and the Leona pale skin, the reactions were extremely positive, from "the best female skin in SL" to a simple "WOAH!", I got quite some compliments from my customers and that made me a very happy girl ;-)

However, I also had some customers who told me that the regular Leona skin was too dark and the pale version, too pale for their liking... and thus they asked if I could make a version that was somewhere in the middle of these two! Ofcourse I had allready planned this "medium" version of the skin, which would be comparable to my Nicole skin... but I just didn't have the time to finish and release all three versions at once... mainly because of RL work changes ;-)

But it is finished, it is uploaded and it is available now from my mainstore and at most of my other shops (Venustus for example ;-) As the other Leona skins, it comes in 16 different make-ups version, from natural to lusty dark smokey, so I'm convinced that there's a skin for every occasion!

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